Back on boogie-street – returning from peru

O crown of light, o darkened oneI never thought we’d meetYou kiss my lips, and then it’s doneI’m back on boogie street (Leonard Cohen) It’s now been years since I returned to ‘civilisation’ from living and working in the Peruvian Amazon. Today I cast my mind over a few postcards from that time in my…

Ayahuasca: Demonizing the cry for help

Love, light and the dark journey to relationship Marooned on the floor of a cramped Thai bathroom, huddled in on myself, vomiting through the nose: alcohol, sleeping pills, curry. It was a good night out. There was dancing. I rose above. Now it is the end of the night and the dancing is finished. I…

Ayahuasca: Black magic, demons and seeing clearly in the dark

Full of demons (a true story on the meaning of darkness) “Why didn’t you tell me,” said the shaman, puffing solemnly on his pipe, “that you were full of demons.” I shrugged my shoulders, staring at the dusty floor: “I didn’t really know what was going on”. In that moment I was glad we were…

Ayahuasca: Humping the Antidote

***Note: this post forms part of a series which explores how our quick-fix fantasy affects the Ayahuasca process. This is part 2. Click here for part 1: The Antidote – an introduction. There is no question that many of us have been imprinted with the psychological barcodes of corporate marketing, scientific materialism (including its medical…

Emotions — critical feedback in the information network of self

What is an emotion? Merely an unfortunate by-product of being human? A chemical malfunction of a dysfunctional citizen? The luxury of weepy failures and wet-toast hippies with too much time on their hands that drink psychedelic tea in midnight fits? In her book The Molecules of Emotion, the scientist Candace Pert conceptualizes the human being…

“I promise, by the time you finish that cookie…” “Grandma take me home” — relating to Ayahuasca ***Note: this post forms part of a series which explores how our quick-fix fantasy affects the Ayahuasca process. This post is part 3. Here is part 1: The Antidote – an introduction And part 2: Humping the Antidote…

Plant Diets — Reflections from Plumb Shack

Stumbling down the sweaty and tortuous jungle path deeply, you may happen upon Plumb Shack, an oasis for the curious, confused and quietly desperate wayfarer of consciousness. The bearded strolling weasel over there is me. Don’t be alarmed; I used to be civilized and can still pretend well enough. I am about to begin another…